Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oh Stetson :)

Stetson has been a hoot lattley. He is starting to talk a lot. Sometimes he will come up to you and just point to a random thing and say, "Whats this." You'll answer him and then he will go to the next thing, oh he could do it for hours. My dad takes him out at night to look at the stars and so to tell us he wants to go see the satrs he will say, "Stars, noom (moon), or miky way (Milkey way). He definitely keeps us laughing and entertained. He is one funny boy. He loves bubbles
Had to wear the Barbie Shoes

Daddy's Boots (His smile)


ciara said...

Oh too too funny! Steston makes me laugh! I can't wait to see youg guys! Its only 11 days away! :) We are going to have to go do something! Maybe see a movie or just hang out!

Ben and Darci said...

What a funny kid! I'm glad children are so funny...I think God made them to be that way to help protect them from beatings :) By the way, you are quite a good photographer. I saw those family pics you took. I know one of the girls in that family. Rakel...I work with her!